AGAT Foundation

DeSanti Family Trust

Since taking the helm of AGAT over four decades ago, John has made service and science and technology development in Canada his lifelong mission. The creation of AGAT Foundation in 2020 represented the pinnacle of John’s long-standing dedication to community-based initiatives.

From funding research and mental health awareness to science literacy and advocacy work, John and the Desanti Family Trust have pledged their support to transformative projects that make strides to shore up resources for cancer early diagnosis, access to newer technologies, patient care, emotional support and ground-breaking research that will make tangible positive impacts in the lives of thousands of families in Alberta and across Canada.

Desanti family trust

Backyard Fountain and Pond at SunsetJohn DeSanti serves as the Executive Chairman of AGAT Laboratories Ltd., a National Canadian privately-owned laboratory network headquartered in Calgary; operating 12 scientific divisions, with 44 locations coast to coast and an international outreach.

John graduated from Concordia and McGill University and started his career in Quebec before joining Price Coopers in Calgary in 1981. Shortly thereafter, he transitioned to Applied Geoscience and Technology (AGAT) Laboratories as Vice President then President in 1984, where he set a path to expand the geography and accreditation scope of AGAT Laboratories to become the leading analytical testing provider it is today. Under John’s leadership, AGAT Labs has bolstered its participation in community engagement and social stewardship projects that bring forth education and knowledge in the sciences, pursue poverty alleviation initiatives, promote and support key advances in medical research and raise awareness about critical health issues.




Supporting research and development in the sciences in the hopes of having a more profound impact in advancing knowledge, awareness and community based initiatives throughout Canada.



The Centre and its Auditorium where all broadcasts emanate from is dedicated to the development of knowledge based initiatives which reach out with information on many different facets of life today.

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