The MAN VAN™ program is the only mobile PSA clinic in Canada. Over 51,000 men have been given free baseline PSA blood tests with the collection of relevant data.
The Man Van is Canada’s first and only mobile men’s health clinic, offering free PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood testing for men aged 40-80 throughout Calgary and rural southern Alberta. One in nine men in Canada will be affected by prostate cancer. When detected early it is very treatable. A PSA blood test from your family doctor or a quick trip to the MAN VAN can aid in early detection. Continue reading to find out when the MAN VAN will be in a location near you. There is no appointment necessary!
At select Know Your Numbers clinics, men over 18 can receive blood pressure, blood sugar, waist circumference, and stress check measurements. For more information about the MAN VAN view the brochure below or contact Linda MacNaughton at the Prostate Cancer Centre.
If you are interested in booking a MAN VAN clinic click here.